Study Room Policy

Last Updated Date
Policy Type

The Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District (“The District”) provides three study rooms at the Winnetka Library for patrons to study, work, and meet in small groups. Rooms are available for up to 2 hours per day per group on a first-come, first-served basis by visiting the library. Rooms may not be reserved in advance.

Study Rooms A, B, and C
Max Capacity 3 (Room A) / 6 (Rooms B & C)
Equipment in Room
  • Table and chairs
  • Wall-mounted screen
  • Dry-erase board, markers, & cleaner
Equipment Available upon request from the front desk
  • Laptops
  • HDMI Cables
  • Headphones
  • Computer Mice


  1. Study rooms are available during the library’s open hours.
  2. Once a patron’s two-hour time slot has expired, they may request to extend it if no one else is waiting. Extensions will be granted in 30-minute increments, as available.
  3. Study room use is subject to all other District policies and regulations, including the Patron Conduct Policy.
  4. The District is not responsible for loss, damage, or theft of the personal equipment, materials, or possessions of study room users.
  5. Personal items left in the study rooms without the owner for longer than 15 minutes will be removed by staff and the room will be given to the next party waiting for a room.
  6. Individuals or groups using the study rooms are liable for all damages and losses to District equipment, furniture, or facilities associated with their study room use.


  1. Activities taking place in the meeting rooms must be contained within the rooms and must not disrupt or create safety hazards for other patrons or staff.
  2. People or groups using the rooms are responsible for their setup and cleanup. If assistance is required with the library’s equipment, please ask at the front desk.

Enforcement of Policy
All staff are authorized to ask patrons whose choices violate this policy to correct their behavior and act in a respectful manner. In the event the behaviors are not corrected, staff may ask patrons to leave the library for the remainder of the day. All staff are authorized to call 9-1-1 for assistance if needed.

Those engaging in repeat behaviors, or behaviors that are severely disruptive or dangerous to others, may have their library privileges limited or suspended for up to a year at the discretion of the Library Director. In the event the patron is a minor, parents will be notified of this action.

Patrons whose library privileges are limited or suspended may appeal the decision, in writing, to The Board. A hearing will be held at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting and the decision of The Board is final.

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