Get Ready for a Refreshed Studio ✨

The Studio will be closed for renovations from February 14 through February 21. Please note that access to the Community Room will be also be unavailable on February 17 and 18.

Get a Card

Why Should I Get a Card?

Getting a library card is easy and free! With your card, you have access to thousands of books, magazines, DVDs, online resources, and much more!

Who Can Apply for a Card

If you are a resident or own property in Winnetka, Northfield, or Kenilworth, you may apply for a library card. Proof of residency is required for registration.

How Do I Sign Up?

Review below which card best suits your needs, if you’re signing up for a library card fill out the library card application and come in to the library to get your card.

If you are applying for a teacher card, nanny card, business card, or non-resident card please come into the library and speak with a staff member.

Types of Cards

Library cards are available at no additional cost to residents of, and those owning property within, the Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District (the “District”) boundaries. Proof of residency or ownership is required in-person at the time of application and may be requested at the time of renewal. A parent or guardian must sign the application for children under 16 and provide proof of residency on the child’s behalf. So long as a library card holder remains a resident in the District, the library card will not expire, except for library cards that have not been used for at least three (3) years. A library card provides access to both physical and electronic materials.

Residents of, and those owning property within, the District are eligible to apply for an eCard, which limits the holder to use of the District’s electronic materials only (such as eBooks, eAudiobooks, and streaming videos). An eCard is available online at no additional cost. If a resident registers for an eCard and wishes to check out physical materials, they will need to change their card to a library card by following the application rules as detailed above in “Library Cards.”

Teachers employed by any of the schools located in the District’s boundaries are eligible for a teacher card at no extra charge. Proof of such employment is required at the time of application. Teacher cards are valid for one (1) year and are renewable every July if the applicant provides proof of continued employment by a school located within the District’s boundaries.

Nannies/Au Pairs employed by a District resident are eligible for a nanny card at no extra charge. A valid ID and a form completed by their employer, indicating they accept full responsibility for the use of the card, are required at the time of application. Nanny/Au Pair cards are valid for up to one (1) year and renewable if the applicant provides proof of continued employment by the same resident.

Businesses located within the District’s boundaries are eligible for a business card at no extra charge. One card will be issued for each business. A lease or proof of ownership is required at the time of application. Business cards are valid for one year and renewable.

By law, people living in areas unserved by a public library may purchase a fee-based card at the library in closest proximity to their residence. A non-resident fee-based card entitles users to all the privileges enjoyed by residents of the District. 

The cost of a library card will be determined by the equalized assessed value (“EAV”) of the property owned multiplied by the current tax rate for District residents. 

Example: $563,167.08 (EAV) X 0.00217 (Tax Rate) = $1,267.13 (Cost of non-resident card) 

Property owners will need to provide a valid photo ID and a copy of their most recent tax bill at the time of application. 

For non-residents renting property, the cost of a library card will be $200 per year. Renters will need to provide a valid photo ID and a copy of a current lease at the time of application. 

Cards may be paid for in quarterly, bi-annual, or annual installments, based on the applicant’s preference at the time of application. Only one non-resident card will be issued per household, with all residents of the household added to the card as authorized users.

Lost, Missing or Stolen Library Card

Please report a lost, missing or stolen library card immediately by contacting the library at 847-446-7220 or 847-446-5990.