Get Ready for a Refreshed Studio ✨

The Studio will be closed for renovations from February 14 through February 21. Please note that access to the Community Room will be also be unavailable on February 17 and 18.

Events & Partners

Library Partners

The Winnetka Northfield Public Library District aspires to be a recognized leader and collaborative partner in our communities, so we are always interested in finding new ways to partner with other community businesses and organizations. Some of our current partnerships include:


  • Park Districts:  The library is proud to partner with the Winnetka Park District, Northfield Park District, and Kenilworth Park District participating in community-wide events like Books at the Beach, Holiday Fest, and Market & Music, offering story times in the parks and to summer camps, and providing books and resources for afterschool programs.
  • Schools: Through our partnerships with local schools, including District 36, District 29, District 37, District 38, and local preschools and private schools, the library regularly provides books and resources for school projects, teacher library cards,  collaborates on summer reading, offers story times, runs books clubs, and participates in school events like STEAM Night and the Winnetka Community Nursery School Children’s Fair.  
  • North Shore Senior Center: For over 17 years, the library has facilitated book clubs at the North Shore Senior Center and donates books to the NSSC library. 
  • Alliance for Early Childhood: The library has been a long-time supporter of the Alliance, participating in events like the Preschool Summit and Cardboard Design Experience and partnering to curate the Patricia Wroclawski picture book collection at the Winnetka Library. 
  • Illinois Libraries PresentOur partnership with ILP broadens the library’s programming reach, presenting high quality speakers' series. Always free and open to the public. 


Interested in partnering with us? 

WNPLD would love to be a part of your next community event! Please contact us at to discuss.

Upcoming Events