Get Ready for a Refreshed Studio ✨

The Studio will be closed for renovations from February 14 through February 21. Please note that access to the Community Room will be also be unavailable on February 17 and 18.

Patron Conduct Policy

Last Updated Date
Policy Type

The Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District (“The District”) is dedicated to providing a safe, welcoming, positive environment for staff and members of the public. The Board of Library Trustees (“The Board”) has established a conduct policy that prohibits the following behaviors to ensure the library can be enjoyed by everyone:

  • Committing or attempting to commit any activity in violation of library policies or other local, state, or federal laws, statutes, ordinances, or regulations.
  • Damaging, defacing, or stealing library property.
  • Bringing weapons, simulated or real, onto library property.
  • Harassing, intimidating, abusing, or threatening others or engaging in any other disrespectful behavior which can reasonably be expected to disturb others.
  • Creating noise that would disturb reasonable use of the library for others.
  • Entering the library without proper attire and shoes. Footwear must be worn at all times.
  • Entering the library with bodily hygiene so offensive as to constitute a nuisance to others. Patrons with offensive bodily hygiene will be asked to leave the building until the situation is remedied.
  • Applying perfumes and aerosol sprays in the library.
  • Entering unaccompanied into staff-only areas.
  • Smoking, vaping, or using matches or lighters on library property. Consumption of alcohol is prohibited unless part of an approved library event.
  • Eating in the following areas:
    a. Quiet Reading Room (Winnetka Library)
    b. Public Computer Area (Both libraries)
    c. Youth Services Department (Winnetka Library)

NOTE: Small snacks are permitted in other areas of the library.

  • Solicitation outside of library-sponsored events.
  • Unauthorized distribution or posting of leaflets, flyers, or information.
  • Bringing animals into the library, except those defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act or associated with a library-sponsored event. Animals left outside the library may not impede safe access to the building for others.
  • Sleeping in a manner that disturbs or interferes with the use of the library by others.
  • Using furniture, doors, elevators, floors, or stairways in an inappropriate or unsafe manner.
  • Using bathroom facilities for bathing, shaving, or laundry.
  • Changing children or adults outside of the bathrooms.
  • Failing, as a guardian or caregiver, to address behaviors of children or vulnerable adults that violate the Patron Conduct Policy.
  • Leaving personal items unattended in the library for an extended period of time.
  • Staff are not responsible for unattended items that are lost, stolen, or damaged.

Enforcement of Policy

All staff are authorized to ask patrons whose choices violate this policy to correct their behavior and act in a respectful manner. In the event the behaviors are not corrected, staff may ask patrons to leave the library for the remainder of the day. All staff are authorized to call 9-1-1 for assistance, if needed.

Those engaging in repeat behaviors, or behaviors that are severely disruptive or dangerous to others, may have their library privileges limited or suspended for up to a year at the discretion of the Library Director. In the event the patron is a minor, parents will be notified of this action. Patrons whose library privileges are limited or suspended may appeal the decision, in writing, to The Board. A hearing will be held at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting and the decision of The Board is final.

Download Policy